Saturday, February 14, 2009

no title. can't think of anything :0

i know, shocker. so i nearly forgot to post today, bad me. i went shopping and got new jeans and mum got me a top so i'm all set to be fancy for dinner tomorrow. i have so much homework it's not funny and i'm panicking.

obsessive much?

i went to fisher's today and saw lenny working! such a professional :) she worked 7 hours. i was like 'they better be paying you good'.

they were.

i give up on myspace. it's not so great. i haven't had a comment since july last year! bahahaha.

transformers 2 comes out in march. i'm excited!

new laptop comes on the 23rd of this month!! squee! that's only nine days away! i can't wait to get on, bwahahahaha.

but i should probably do my homework before doing anything on it. eheh...

otherwise there's not much to report for today, except i have to read a whole book tomorrow and it's like 500 pages.

i'm in trouble D:

[c=78] To Kill A Mockingbird [/b]

Thursday, February 12, 2009

peer leading

so today i didn't have classes, i spent the whole day with my form group for peer leading. god, they're awesome for 12 year olds. and cute :)

i also found out my friend asked out my best best BEST male friend out on a 'spur of the moment decision' and has been leading her on ever since. he accepted to get over me, which i felt very bad about, and today he gave her a rose and chocolate for a valentine's day present.

she has a crush on someone else and is only dating him to say to us she has a boyfriend.

it's wrong. if he gets hurt i'm gonna kick her ass.

nobody knew because she was too embarrassed to tell anyone. wtf is up with that? can ANYBODY explain to me the point of being with someone if you're not going to tell and just appear single to everyone?!


i feel bad he accepted to get over me :(. i had no idea he liked me until somebody told me today and i went 'WHAAAAT UR KIDDING ME!'

yep. parrently she wasn't.

the bushfires have been extended and to all u guys who donated, 77 million have been raised for the bushfires association. thanks literally a million! these people can get their lives back on track, especially with two of the arsonists in jail facing permanent incarceration.

as i said. many thanks :)

nothing else much to report. cyya!!!

[c=78] To Kill A Mockingbird [/b]

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

all ok

so we're still alive up here, but there's 187 dead and tons of ppl still missing :(. i can't imagine losing everything that way.

class field trip today, went and saw Valkyrie at the cinema for our WW2 segment of history. interesting and yet the dullest, most depressing film i've ever seen, and some noob behind me laughed. laughed. i know i know, but what was i supposed to do?

peh >:( i hate idiots....

i was nearly late for school today, ran most of the way and then all the way to form and just got there in time. everyone else i walked with was late.

more fool them.

so it's actually cold over here (chea i know, right?) it was 46.4 on saturday in celsius, use your math and work out farenheit if you want to, but that's hot, as in record hot. today it was only 19! i nearly froze my ass off at the cinema.

nothing much else to report.. i came to the realisation today, suddenly, that i wouldn't always be protected by my parents. god knows they're annoying, but i better enjoy my time with them. i'm nearly 16 now and in 3 years i'm off to uni

frightening huh?

wanna be a psychologist.

i couldn't imagine my beautiful little town being obliterated by fire. my heart goes out to the people that have lost everything and more.

[c=78] To Kill A Mockingbird [\b]

Sunday, February 8, 2009

the bushfires down here are really bad. 108 people are dead and over 200 are missing. 500 people are homeless and the whole victorian firefighting taskforce has been sent down to help. my friend's dad is fighting the flames.

i hope he's ok :(

in year 10 at school now - taking advanced math, psychology, food, P.E, history, and english. pretty good subjects, psychology is awesome :)

summer holidays were a blast. went and saw the film Australia at the cinema, was probably the best i've ever seen. i also saw bolt and loved that film, it was pretty cool ;)

i watched Resident Evil: Degeneration last night. possibly the best computer animeted film i've ever seen. the graphics were like 'whoa!'.

i have a psychology exam to revise for :(

peace out,

[c=78] To Kill A Mockingbird [/b]

Thursday, December 11, 2008


and thank god too. i dont think i could stand anyone at school any longer. i dont know, maybe i'm just a grumpy person, or maybe people piss me off.

it's probably the latter.

i hate the girl in my psychology class that sits up the back of the room and frickin laughs the whole lesson away. god. some people want to learn, even if she doesnt.

anyway, its good to finally be on holidays even though my dad is really pissing me off. i cant actually give out my real name or location because the school is trawling the internet for anything bad said about it.

i dont even have my real school on myspace. i wish adults would just stay out of our business. who the f*** invited them?

i just read an article on the internet - "Kids by (school) day and Goths by night."

you'd think we were all out partying until four in the morning and going, 'hey, that's heappps sick eyy!'.

i mean, we're not all evil. i am personally, but you know, i can't account for everyone else. and as for the old lady at work who keeps sighing when she sees me and says 'youth is wasted on the young' well excuse me, who would want to waste it on a bag of skin and bone?

god, im in such a bad mood i wont write any more in fear of depressing the living shit out of everyone.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

untitled. x]

grandma did come, right after i posted actually. she gave a 50, so now i have 371.80. thats alot of money!! nearly 400! i thank my boss at work for paying me so much to load the dishwasher x]

i dont think i'll post tomorrow. i think i'll just pack up my laptop tonite and have everything ready to go. thatd be better - we're leaving around 8.30 and getting there at 3 or 4 in the afternoon. then were leaving for the airport at 9. i had to repack because i forgot a few things :( it sucked really bad, i had everything all nice..

im definitely not posting tomorrow. i'd rather just leave it.

erin came over b4 with a card! it made me happy!! tomorrow we're dropping by emu's so i can give her back her CD. that's the last time i'll see any of my friends for 2 and a half weeks :(

bubye,, xxx

[c=16] treewalker


i dont think my grandmas gonna come before we go away. i wont accept any excuses this time either, cause shes done it before and im sick of it.

i've finished packing and now we're cleaning up the house and getting ready to go. i might post tomorrow but i might not. it depends on whether i decide to unplug my laptop or not.

anyway, thats all i really have to say 4 now, except that i downloaded an awesome hack from modthesims2 that changes hours of daylight in the game. it's sick x]

bubye,, xxx

[c=16] treewalker