Thursday, December 11, 2008


and thank god too. i dont think i could stand anyone at school any longer. i dont know, maybe i'm just a grumpy person, or maybe people piss me off.

it's probably the latter.

i hate the girl in my psychology class that sits up the back of the room and frickin laughs the whole lesson away. god. some people want to learn, even if she doesnt.

anyway, its good to finally be on holidays even though my dad is really pissing me off. i cant actually give out my real name or location because the school is trawling the internet for anything bad said about it.

i dont even have my real school on myspace. i wish adults would just stay out of our business. who the f*** invited them?

i just read an article on the internet - "Kids by (school) day and Goths by night."

you'd think we were all out partying until four in the morning and going, 'hey, that's heappps sick eyy!'.

i mean, we're not all evil. i am personally, but you know, i can't account for everyone else. and as for the old lady at work who keeps sighing when she sees me and says 'youth is wasted on the young' well excuse me, who would want to waste it on a bag of skin and bone?

god, im in such a bad mood i wont write any more in fear of depressing the living shit out of everyone.