Thursday, February 12, 2009

peer leading

so today i didn't have classes, i spent the whole day with my form group for peer leading. god, they're awesome for 12 year olds. and cute :)

i also found out my friend asked out my best best BEST male friend out on a 'spur of the moment decision' and has been leading her on ever since. he accepted to get over me, which i felt very bad about, and today he gave her a rose and chocolate for a valentine's day present.

she has a crush on someone else and is only dating him to say to us she has a boyfriend.

it's wrong. if he gets hurt i'm gonna kick her ass.

nobody knew because she was too embarrassed to tell anyone. wtf is up with that? can ANYBODY explain to me the point of being with someone if you're not going to tell and just appear single to everyone?!


i feel bad he accepted to get over me :(. i had no idea he liked me until somebody told me today and i went 'WHAAAAT UR KIDDING ME!'

yep. parrently she wasn't.

the bushfires have been extended and to all u guys who donated, 77 million have been raised for the bushfires association. thanks literally a million! these people can get their lives back on track, especially with two of the arsonists in jail facing permanent incarceration.

as i said. many thanks :)

nothing else much to report. cyya!!!

[c=78] To Kill A Mockingbird [/b]