Wednesday, February 11, 2009

all ok

so we're still alive up here, but there's 187 dead and tons of ppl still missing :(. i can't imagine losing everything that way.

class field trip today, went and saw Valkyrie at the cinema for our WW2 segment of history. interesting and yet the dullest, most depressing film i've ever seen, and some noob behind me laughed. laughed. i know i know, but what was i supposed to do?

peh >:( i hate idiots....

i was nearly late for school today, ran most of the way and then all the way to form and just got there in time. everyone else i walked with was late.

more fool them.

so it's actually cold over here (chea i know, right?) it was 46.4 on saturday in celsius, use your math and work out farenheit if you want to, but that's hot, as in record hot. today it was only 19! i nearly froze my ass off at the cinema.

nothing much else to report.. i came to the realisation today, suddenly, that i wouldn't always be protected by my parents. god knows they're annoying, but i better enjoy my time with them. i'm nearly 16 now and in 3 years i'm off to uni

frightening huh?

wanna be a psychologist.

i couldn't imagine my beautiful little town being obliterated by fire. my heart goes out to the people that have lost everything and more.

[c=78] To Kill A Mockingbird [\b]