Friday, August 22, 2008

First post x]

going on holiday soon! we leave on monday, i dont have school for 2 and a half weeks!!! i'm over there for my birthday too, which is awesome - we went when i was 7 a few years ago and i turned 8 there. now i get to turn 15 there too!

we drive up to melbourne on monday and stay overnight. then we fly out on tuesday. what's weird is that we fly out at 12.00 lunch on tuesday and we get into the cook islands at 3 am on tuesday. we get there seven hours earlier than what we left!!

we get to stop in auckland - klc keeps begging me to take her in my suitcase x]

i have to go to work soon - i work from 10 till 1 this saturday. i cant believe its third term over here already, and nearly fourth. that means i'm nearly in yr 10. not really looking forward to it, me and my friends are all getting split up :(

but i cant wait to be able to take psychology. and literature, so long as i dont get the terminator (english teacher).

anyway, i have to get ready for work now.

bubye,, xxx

[c=16] treewalker